Deathship One - Gamma Room

One by one, the troopers appeared in new long room. "What the hell is going on? What just happened? It's like we disappeared from one room and appeared here." said Pvt. Henney. "I know. This is some very strange stuff." replied Pvt. Barton. "Shut up you two. Keep alert and shoot anything that moves." yelled Sgt. Stryker. The next room the troopers entered was Gamma Room. This was 18" by 3'. There are four discs in the room that have the potential to move around. If they touch a trooper, the trooper will take damage. "All right boys, we've been in this hell before. There's that strange exit over there." pointed Lt. Williams. "Let's move out, and get out of here." "Sir! There are more of those strange alien machine things. This isn't going to be a cake walk." said Cpl Smith. "Don't worry. God goes before us." whispered Rev. Lacey. The first turn wasn't too bad. The tr...