Deathship One - Epsilon Room

"What the hell just happened in there!?!?" screamed Sgt. Stryker. "They're dead! They're dead!" sobbed Pvt. Henney. "May God have mercy on their souls while we're still in Hell." whispered Rev. Lacey. "Jumping Jehoshaphat, we're still stuck here!" said Pvt. Barton. The team appears in a new room. That room was Epsilon Room, one with shifting walls. Every event phase, a random section of the enclosed room in the upper right corner would open. This really sucks as you run your team to an opening to only have it close when they get there. You're a mean one Mr. McCullough. There's a reason I like your games. The team started to move out and hope for the best. They were all bleeding badly and very tired. This was because the medic, Cpl. Smith, was killed in the last room. There was no healing between the rooms. At first, things were going well. The team moved as a group on one side of a wall so they only had to deal w...