AAR 3 - The Infected Trees

The Commandos were able to determine what had attacked the small village they had previously scouted out.  It ended up being a nest of spiders.  And not just any type of spider; Giant Spiders. 

This is Mission 1 Scenario 2 from the Rangers of Shadow Deep rule book.  I didn't have to change anything to make it work with Airborne of Shadow Deep.

"Hey Sergent."
"Have I ever told you that I hate spiders?"
"Most people hate spiders, Captain."
"No, you don't understand.  I REALLY hate spiders."

It was obvious that the spiders had been busy by the looks of things.  There were cocoons all over the place.  The size of the cocoons indicated that the must have bodies inside them. 

The team quickly moves up and engages a spider.

The Captain and Sergeant move up to take on a spider.

Cpl. Smith takes to the hill for a better shot at a spider.

With out notice, the spiders quickly swarm Cpt. Ryker and Sergeant Stryker. 

Without batting an eye, the Captain quickly kills a spider.

Pvt. Henney searches a cocoon and discovers a villager who is still alive! 
(The blue tokens are just so I can keep track of who has already activated.)

Sgt. Stryker, with his glowing sword, attacks a spider and guts it.  It seemed as if the sword moved through the spider without any resistance.  The sword must have some sort of magical properties beside the glowing blade.

Cpt. Ryker searches a cocoon and also discovers a live villager.

The team continues to move up towards some trees that seem to be where the spiders are coming from.  They must be some sort of nest tree that can only be cleared by burning them down.

While the Commandos where searching the area, they didn't see a giant spider quickly move up and attack one of the villagers.  The fight was one sided as the villager was tired and out of energy from being in the cocoon.  

The spider bit the villager but didn't do much damage to her.

The Captain, hearing the villager's scream, ran over to assist her.  The Captain sliced the spider open with his trusty knife.

Pvt. Barton opened up a cocoon and found another living villager inside.  The villager, while taking some much needed deep breaths, thanks the Private.

Maj. Lacey moves up to the first nest tree and lit it on fire.  Because of the webs throughout the tree, it quickly went up in flames.

While the Captain moves up to a cocoon to search it, Pvts. Barton and Henney get ready to light up two more nest trees.

Cpt. Ryker opened up a cocoon, but found a villager already dead inside.  That would be a horrible way to die.

Sgt. Stryker searched the last cocoon and discovered an old villager.  

The villager quickly explained that nothing like this has happened before in the area.  That things became strange once the Nazi's moved into a castle up in a nearby gorge.  The Commandos might have to go inspect the castle to find out what's going on.

Lt. Williams lights the last nest tree on fire.

With all the trees alight, the Commandos relax as they believe all the giant spiders have been destroyed.

But, without warning, Pvt. Henney gets entrapped in some spider webbing.  He's bound fast and can't get out of it.

Out of nowhere, another spider jumps down from a tree and gets ready to attack the Commandos.

The Reverend takes aim and puts some lead downrange and instantly kills the spider.

The last giant spider starts to move towards the group.  But, Cpl. Smith slows his breathing, steadies his nerves, and takes a shot...
..which immediately kills the spider.

I have to say that this was one of the most one sided games I've played in a LONG time.  When I attacked, I hit over 75% of the time.  And each hit would kill the spider.  I never wounded a spider.  They were just splatted on the ground.

A spider hit once...and it was only on a villager...and only did two damage.  

I just slaughtered all the spiders.

Not a single cocoon held a Zombie.  So the only thing that posed a treat to the Commandos were the squishy spiders.

It was still fun.  ;)

The Reverend went up a level, and all the other soldiers did too.  For the soldiers, they earn 2 PP for each battle they live.  Otherwise, they don't advance as fast as I think they should.  I have another house rule where the soldiers first upgrade is either a +1S or +1F.  The second is the +1H.  This is a flip-flop of the way it is in the rules.  I just prefer it this way.



  1. You lucky guy!!
    The soldiers have gone through the spiders like a hot knife through butter...

    Nice AAR!!!

  2. You got the Weird WWII bug brother and it looks great!



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