Welcome to Umbra Adâncă

The city of Umbra Adâncă is located in the foothills of the Southern Carpathian Mountains in Romania.  

The city has a long history steeped in deep shadows and dark rituals.  It's known that the Thule Society of the Third Reich has taken a strong interest in the region around Umbra Adâncă.

Throughout history, stories have been passed down of corpse's rising from the grave, monsters who feast on blood, and the full moon transforming regular townsfolk.

While Umbra Adâncă has a local police force, it's usually ruled by mob justice.  But now that the Nazis have moved in, it seems they control the city.

How evil does a person have to be to be buried outside of the cemetery, yet so powerful to still get a crypt?

Umbra Adâncă is my Airborne of Shadow Deep setting.  I'm sure the SAS will be seen lurking in the deep shadows of the forests and Umbra Adâncă.


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